Date Nights

Date Night Registration Form

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Upcoming Date Nights

Saturday 2/22: Handbuilt Mugs or Bird House
June Lee 7-9:15pm

Saturday 3/8: Handbuilt Mugs/Planters
Erica von Schilgen 7-9:15pm

Saturday 3/15: Handbuilt Mugs
June Lee 7-9:15pm

Saturday 3/29: Handbuilt Mugs/Planters
Erica von Schilgen 7-9:15pm

Saturday 4/12: Handbuilt Mugs/Planters
Erica von Schilgen 7-9:15pm

Saturday 4/26: Handbuilt Mugs or Pet Bowls
June Lee 7-9:15pm

Saturday 5/17: Handbuilt Mugs or Pet Bowls
June Lee 7-9:15pm

Saturday 6/21: Handbuilt Mugs or Pet Bowls
June Lee 7-9:15pm